Table 4.
Second-stage model comparison.
Multiple regression of BIS-11 scores on model parameters ω and ϑ (and β, when existing). The top three models (in terms of BIC) are highlighted in gray; the best model (highest BIC) in dark gray. B, unstandardized regression coefficient; b, standardized regression coefficient; BIC, Bayesian Information Criterion; WLG, Win/Loss Gross; WLN, Win/Loss Net; OL, Overlearn; BI, Bet increase; DU, double-up; CS, casino switch; MS, machine switch; M1-3, Model 1-3; ω, the variance of the second level inference; ϑ, variance of the third level inference; β, decision temperature; *Indicates significant F-test statistics (p < 0.05), Bonferroni-corrected at α = 0.004.