Staining for intravascularly-delivered RHO70 (red) and FITC10 (green) within the PVN, NTS and RVLM of WKY (A1,B1,C1) and SHRs (A2,B2,C2). The corresponding extravasated FITC10 are shown in respective panels 3 and 4. A5, B5 and C5: mean extravasated FITC10 (FITC10EV) in WKY, SHR, SHR treated with Losartan (SHR-los) and SHR treated with hydralazine (SHR-hyd). C6, high magnification image of the RVLM (SHR), showing intravascular FITC10 (white arrows) and extravasated FITC10 in neuronal-like profiles (red arrows).***P<0.001 vs WKY; †††P<0.001 vs SHR; n=8 SHR/WKY; n=4 SHR-los/SHR-Hyd. Scale bars: 50µm. 3V: third ventricle.