Figure 4. AEOL 10150 treatment ameliorates CEES-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress in mouse skin epidermal JB6 cells and human skin epidermal HaCaT cells.
Mouse epidermal JB6 (A) and human epidermal HaCaT (B) cells were seeded and grown overnight in 96 well plates. These cells were then exposed to either DMSO alone (VC), 50 μM AEOL 10150 alone (AEOL), 0.25 mM CEES in DMSO (CEES), or to 50 μM AEOL 10150 1 h after 0.25 mM CEES exposure (CEES+AEOL) for 4 h. Thereafter, cells were incubated for 1 h MitoSOX Red (A and B), and the live cell fluorescence for presence of ROS was determined using flowcytometry as described under Materials and Methods. . Representative pictures of the flow cytograms of MitoSOX stained JB6 and HaCaT cells with red staining show increased ROS production, which was quantified (A and B). Data shown are mean ± SEM of 3 independent samples. *, p<0.05 as compared to CEES exposed group.