Growth in flasks and manual fluorescence analysis of reporter strains. The strains MC4100, MCΔsQ, MCΔlC, MCrg, MCrgΔsQ and MCrgΔlC were cultured in Erlenmeyer flasks at 37°C in M9 medium for 9 h. In 1-h intervals samples were taken. (A) OD600 values were determined and (B) EGFP and mCherry fluorescence emission were detected and ratios were calculated for MCrg, MCrgΔsQ and MCrgΔlC. Fluorescence ratios of MCrg were normalized to 1. One exemplary growth curve is given and fluorescence ratios are means from three independent experiments; error bars show s.d. Growth in 384-well plates and fully automated fluorescence analysis of reporter strains. Aliquots of MC4100, MCΔsQ, MCΔlC, MCrg, MCrgΔsQ and MCrgΔlC cultures were transferred into 384- well plates in quadruplicates. Cells were grown in M9 medium at 37°C for 10 h. Samples were taken in 1-h intervals. (C) A650 values were determined and (D) EGFP and mCherry fluorescence emission were detected and ratios were calculated for MCrg, MCrgΔsQ and MCrgΔlC. Fluorescence ratios of MCrg were normalized to 1. A representative growth curve is shown and fluorescence ratios are mean values; n = 4, error bars show s.d.