Fig. 1.
Establishment of Smp30Y/−Sod1−/− male mice and Smp30−/−Sod1−/− female mice. (A) Cumulative survival rate in each experimental group of mice. (B) Appearance of Smp30Y/−Sod1−/− male mice and Smp30−/−Sod1−/− female mice at 14 days of age. (C) Body weight change in each experimental group (n = 10–11) between 7 and 14 days of age. The body weight of mice at 7 days was set at 100%. Open circles, Smp30Y/+Sod1+/+ or Smp30+/+Sod1+/+ mice; open triangles, Smp30Y/+Sod1+/− or Smp30+/+Sod1+/− mice; open squares, Smp30Y/+Sod1−/− or Smp30+/+Sod1−/− mice; filled circles, Smp30Y/−Sod1+/+ or Smp30−/−Sod1+/+ mice; filled triangles, Smp30Y/−Sod1+/− or Smp30−/−Sod1+/− mice; filled squares, Smp30Y/−Sod1−/− or Smp30−/−Sod1−/− mice. Values are given as means ± SEM. (D and E) Ascorbic acid (AA; filled columns) and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA; gray columns) concentration in plasma (D) and livers (E) from each experimental group of mice (n = 7–11) at 14 days. Values are given as means ± SEM (AA plus DHA).