Examples of Revised and Newly Visible Ribosome Features, Related to Figure 2
(A) An example of a small change in registry in the N terminus of ribosomal protein eL32 (light pink; PDB ID 3J3F; Anger et al., 2013) that could be clearly visualized and remodelled (dark blue) using the improved density map.
(B) An example of a mammalian specific expansion to ribosomal protein eL6 that could be modeled unambiguously using the new data.
(C) Overview of binding of eEF2 in a half-ratcheted conformation, as calculated to 3.5 Å resolution using 36,667 particles.
(D) Cryo-EM density for eEF2 and its interaction partners in the ribosome stalk were well-defined, allowing building of many side chains in the ribosomal proteins and GTPase. The chemical interaction between eEF2 and ribosomal proteins uL10 and uL11 could thus be visualized.