Figure 1.
Three participants’ images from structural and functional MRI. From left to right: anatomical T1-weighted image; fMRI contrast results thresholded to z > 2.3: both hands active condition; left hand active condition; right hand active condition. From top to bottom: participant no. 19 with right hemiplegia and high hand function (93% MUUL) showing normal contralateral (M1/S1, PMd, PMv) and medial (SMA) activation; Participant no. 20 with right hemiplegia and average hand function (79% MUUL) showing a shift in fMRI activation lateralized to CL hemisphere for the affected right hand condition: participant no. 13 with left hemiplegia and poor hand function (41% MUUL) showing less activation than Participant no. 19 but with some remaining contralateral organization.