Schematic representation of the vestibular cortical sites directly connected to the vestibular nuclei and the prepositus hypoglossi in macaque brain. In the right panels: Projections topographically organized with the caudal vestibular cortical fields including MST, RI, and TPJ projecting more in the vestibular and prepositus hypoglossi nuclei, involved in the oculomotor ascending pathways (green patches) as compared to the more rostral cortical fields connected to the vestibular nuclei mainly involved in the skeletto-motor descending pathways (red patches). The numbers refer to the architectonically defined Brodman’s cortical areas. PTJ, Parieto-temporal junction; MST, middle superior temporal area; PIVC, parieto-insular vestibular cortex; Superior (SV), medio-rostral (MVr), medio-caudal (MVc), lateral (LV) and descending (DV) vestibular nuclei. Prepositus hypoglossi (PH) nucleus. Reconstructed from previous findings from Ventre and Faugier-Grimaud (1988), Akbarian et al. (1994).