Fig. 7.
Differential effects of phenotype or diet on AL-fed or fasted blood glucose concentrations at old (for GHR-KO mice) or oldest-old (for Ames Dwarfs) age range. a AL-fed testing of old GHR-KO female mice after longer-term IF (with statistical analysis table) showing blood glucose-lowering effect of a combination of KO phenotype and IF diet for old KO littermate control females. b Fasted assessment of old GHR-KO females after longer-term IF (with statistical analysis table) exhibiting no blood-glucose lowering effect of either KO phenotype, IF diet, or combination of KO phenotype and IF diet. c AL-fed testing of oldest-old Ames Dwarf male mice after longer-term IF (with statistical analysis table) displaying no blood glucose-lowering effect of either Df phenotype, IF diet, or combination of the two factors. d Fasted assessment of oldest-old Ames Dwarf male mice after longer-term IF (with statistical analysis table) demonstrating no blood glucose-lowering effect of either Df phenotype, IF diet, or combination of the two. All measures of central tendency are arithmetic means, and all depictions of variation (error bars) represent standard deviations (SD)