Figure 5. Impaired Proliferation of Adult SCs after Inactivation of Pax7 in Culture.
(A–E) FACS-purified SCs from Pax7CE/loxP-Gu mice were treated in culture with or without 4OH-TAM under high serum concentrations (A). Total number of SCs after TAM-induced deletion of Pax7 (B). Number of Pax7-positive cells (C) and EdU-incorporating Pax7-positive cells (D and E) after addition of TAM. Cells were analyzed after 6d of cultivation.
(F–J) Viral-mediated knockout of Pax7 in cultured SCs. FACS-sorted SCs from Pax7loxP-Gu/loxP-Gu mice were infected with Adeno-Cre and Adeno-eGFP viruses 24 hr after isolation to inactivate the Pax7 gene (F). Decreases of the total number of SC-derived cells (G), of Pax7-positive cells (H), and of EdU-incorporating Pax7-positive cells (I and J) 6d after Adeno-Cre mediated deletion of Pax7 are shown.
Error bars represent standard deviation of the mean (t test: *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001). Scale bar: 20 mm. See also Figures S5 and S6.