Requirement of MBD3 in Other Reprogramming Systems
(A) Experimental designs used to analyze the effect of Mbd3 KD and KO on EpiSC reprogramming efficiency. For the KD experiments, wild-type EpiSCs (carrying an Oct4-GFP cassette), stably transfected with pPB-CAG-Klf2.2A.Nanog (K2N) or pPB-CAG-Klf4, were transfected with either siMbd3 or siControl (siCtrl) and, after 24 hr, were plated in 2i/LIF for 12 days. For the KO experiments, Mbd3−/− or Mbd3fl− EpiSCs carrying an Oct4-GFP reporter (EOS-GiP), stably transfected with K2N (or empty vector control, EV), were plated in 2i/LIF for 12 days.
(B and C) The efficiency of EpiSC reprogramming after Mbd3 removal, either by KD (B) or KO (C), was assessed by counting Oct4-GFP+ colonies. Representative AP stained plates are also indicated. 1.0 × 104 EpiSCs were plated in (B). 1.5 × 104 EpiSCs were plated in (C).
(D) Experimental designs used to analyze the effect of Mbd3 KD and Mbd3 exon 1 KO. For the KD experiments, Nanog-GFP MEFs transfected with doxycycline-inducible MKOS piggyBac transposon (iMKOS) were cultured in S+LIF + DOX + vitamin C (vitC) + Alki 24 hr before lentiviral infections of shMbd3 or shControls. For the KO experiments, Mbd3ex1fl/ex1fl MEFs transfected with iMKOS were infected with pMX-Cre-ERt2. Reprogramming was carried out in S+LIF + DOX + vitC + Alki, and 4-OHT was added either at the time of DOX administration (0h) or 48 hr later (48h).
(E) Number of Nanog-GFP+ iPSC colonies at day 13 of reprogramming upon infection of indicated shRNAs.
(F) Number of Nanog+ colony numbers determined by immunofluorescence after 13 days of reprogramming of Mbd3ex1fl/ex1fl:Cre-ERt2 MEFs. The error bars indicate STDEV. Typical iMKOS positive cell number at day 2 of reprogramming is 1.0–3.0 × 104 cells per well, providing 1%–2% reprogramming efficiency.