Mania/Hypomania Severity Scores Across Time in Adolescents With Bipolar I or II Disorder Receiving Pharmacotherapy With Either Family-Focused Treatment or Enhanced Carea
a Weekly Psychiatric Status Rating Scale mania scores were obtained from the Adolescent Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation and averaged across 3-month intervals. Family-focused treatment for adolescents (N=72) was associated with lower mean mania/ hypomania severity scores than enhanced care (N=73) during year 2 (treatment-by-time interaction, F=1.98, df=8, 742, p=0.046). Means are adjusted for prerandomization Mania Rating Scale scores from the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, for study site, and for living situation (with two biological parents or not).