Figure 4.
Changes to enteroendocrine cells following FOXO1 inhibition. a, Quantification of cells expressing CGA, 5HT, GLP1 and SSN in 230-day-old gut organoids transduced with control (empty bars), HA-Δ256 FOXO1 adenovirus (gray bars), or human duodenum (black bars). b–d, Immunohistochemistry with 5HT (green) and CGA (red) in 230-day-old gut organoids transduced with HA-Δ256 FOXO1 (l) or control adenovirus (m). e, Immunohistochemistry of insulin (green), FOXO1 (red) and 5HT (white) in 230-day-old gut organoids transduced with HA-Δ256 FOXO1 adenovirus. Insets on the left show magnifications of a cluster of 5HT-, FOXO1-, and insulin-positive cells. Scale bars: 50 µm (n=3 for histology and qPCR) (*p < 0.05 vs. organoids transduced with control shRNA lentivirus or HA-Δ256 adenovirus). We present data as means ± SEM.