Figure 6.
Pancreatic lineage marker analysis. a, Immunohistochemistry with antibodies against insulin (green) and CGA (magenta) in 36-day-old gut organoids transduced with HA-Δ256 FOXO1 adenovirus. b, qPCR analysis of 230-day-old gut organoids transduced with control (empty bars) or FOXO1 lentiviral shRNA (black bars). c–d, Immunohistochemistry with anti-insulin (green) and CGA (magenta) antibodies in 230-day-old gut organoids transduced with control or FOXO1 shRNA lentivirus. e, Immunohistochemistry with glucagon (green) and MAFB (red); f, insulin (green) and GLP-1 (red); g, insulin (green) and somatostatin (red) in 184-day-old gut organoids transduced with HA-Δ256 adenovirus. h–j, qPCR analysis in 184-day-old gut organoids transduced with control (empty bars) or HA-Δ256 adenovirus (black bars) of transcripts encoding (h) intestinal lineage markers, (i) intestinal stem cell and pan-secretory lineage markers, and (j) genes associated with Notch signaling.