Figure 7.
Pancreatic marker analysis in 184-day-old gut organoids. a–c, qPCR analysis of transcripts of markers associated with β-cell specification and maturation in organoids transduced with control (empty bars) or HA-Δ256 FOXO1 adenovirus (black bars). d–r, Colocalization of insulin (green) with (d–f) MAFA (The inset in panel e shows green MafA immunoreactivity in human pancreatic islets), (g–h) Urocortin-3, (i–j) PC2, (k–l) SUR1, (m–n) PC1/3, (o–p) glucokinase, and (q, r) glucose transporter 2 (all in red). Scale bars: 50 µm in d–r (n=3–6 for qPCR, 3 for histochemistry) (*p < 0.05 vs. organoids transduced with control virus). We present data as means ± SEM.