Assessment for a contribution of PGLYRP-3 or PGLYRP-4 in arthritis and uveitis
triggered by systemic peptidoglycan (PGN) exposure. Mice were systemically
administered PGN or saline. Severity of ankle inflammation was assessed by
near-infrared-imaging at 72 h postinjection (A). The leukocyte trafficking
response within the iris was documented by intravital microscopy, and the number
of rolling (B), adherent (C) and infiltrating (D) cells was quantified. At 72 h
following PGN exposure, uveitis was assessed histologically and panel E depicts
representative histological images of anterior and posterior eye segments of
PGLYRP-3 and PGLYRP-4 knockout mice (H&E stain, original magnification at
200 ×). *p<0.05 comparison to saline controls within a
genotype (n=10 mice/treatment/genotype). H&E, haematoxylin and