Table 1.
Agent-Based Models Used in Analysis
Stylized Model | Empirical Model 1 | |
Population | 34,000 households Blacks and whites Metro percent black: 15 or 30 |
Drawn from 2000 STF 3A Census data 20% sample of all households Blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics |
Geography | 200×200 grid Each cell represents 1 housing unit |
GIS map of city blocks Each block can hold multiple households |
Initial Distribution | Random | Corresponds to 2000 population at Census tract level |
Neighborhoods | 5×5 sub-sections of the grid | Census block groups |
Agent Behavior | Empirically estimated from PSID | Empirically estimated from PSID |
Comparisons | Systematically vary within- and between-race inequality | Empirical population composition Blacks assigned white income distribution |
Empirical model initialized for three cities: Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Los Angeles