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. 2014 Jul 7;9(7):e100788. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100788

Table 2. Three-way PERMANOVA tests for differences in macrobenthic community among stations (St), month (Mt) and bottom type (Bt).

pr/ab dbrt nonTr
source df PsF CV PsF CV PsF CV
St 4 39.1** 12.1 45.4** 13.0 34.1** 17.8
Mt 1 12.0** 10.4 13.7** 11.0 10.1** 14.8
Bt 1 39.1** 20.9 92.9** 18.7 17.1** 12.4
StxMt 4 4.0** 7.7 4.9** 8.6 6.6** 16.3
StxBt 4 4.0* 4.8 5.1** 5.6 7.8** 11.4
MtxBt 1 2.9* 6.1 5.8** 9.5 5.7** 15.1
Mt x St x Bt 4 1.6 4.9 2.8** 8.2 3.9** 16.6
Res 80 13.9 13.8 21.8
Bt (MtxBt) all all Oct', Jun, Jul, Oct

Tests performed on Bray-Curtis similarity matrices for: presence/absence data (pr/ab), double root transformed (dbrt), and untransformed data (nonTr). Effects of bottom type and MtxBt interaction printed in bold. PsF - PERMANOVA pseudoF, CV - component of variation. Significant effects: * P<0.05, ** P<0.001. Bt (MtxBt) - significant effects in pairwise tests for differences between vegetated and unvegetated bottoms performed separately for five months.