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. 2014 Apr 21;11(4):332–342. doi: 10.1038/cmi.2014.22

Table 3. GMSP assay-generated profiles of skewed (oligoclonal or monoclonal) TRBV families in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in subjects who have recovered from AHI.

Subjects no. CD4+ cells CD8+ cells
  TRBV oligoclonality TRBV monoclonality TRBV oligoclonality TRBV monoclonality
S1 8/9/22 14/17 5.1/7/14/15/20 4/8/11/12/13.1
S2 3/7/15/18/20/24 11/12 None 1/15/20/21/22/24
S3 15/16 10/13.1/23 11/12/15/17/19 2/5.1/6/7
S4 9/22 7/19 13.2/22/24 3/4/10/15/18/20
S5 3/5.1/11/21/23 2/7/15 5.1/9/13.1/14/17/21 11/19
S6 5.2/9/24 4/8/11/13.1 9 4/13.1/17/20/22
S7 None None 6/18 5.1/5.2/7/8/19
S8 3/10/11/12/19/21 15/24 19/23 11/14/20/24
S9 12/20/22 18 3/13.2/15/20/22/24 9
S10 1/4/11/14/24 8/20 1/5.2 13.2/18
S11 6/14/24 4/5.1/12/20 5.1/19/23 10/12/13.1
S12 8/13.2 1/9/24 4/8/10/18 2/11/15/23/24
S13 2/5.1/13.1/17/21 13.2/19 2/20/24 7/11/17/19
S14 7/10/13.1 5.2/23 4/8/11/12/13.1/15 5.1/16
S15 5.2/6/14/15/16 7 3/21/23/24 13.2/20
S16 10/17/23 18 7/11/13.1/16/24 5.1/20
S17 3/5.1/11/13.1/20/22 4/12/14 1/5.1/10/14/17/20/22 12/23
S18 15/18 6/8/11 3/5.2/19/24 8/11/13.1/15
S19 2/10/16/19 12/13.2 2/11/13.2/20 24
S20 15 5.1/13.1/20/23 5.1/12/15 1/11
S21 2/5.2 8 1 6/16/18/22
S22 11/18 5.2/24 7/10/15/20/23/24 2/5.1/13.2/21
S23 7/12/21 1/10/13.1/15/18 3/6/11 9/15/17/18
S24 None None 7/16/18 1/5.2/11/13.1/14/23
S25 4/5.2/8/13.2/20 14/15/19 2/5.1/11/15/21 6/24
S26 6/15/22 1/5.1/18 10/14/21 2/5.1/7/20
S27 2/12/23 9/15/21 4/13.1/16 12/24
S28 5.1/11/17/18/20/21 None 8/12/18/23/24 6/11/13.1/16
S29 15 12/13.2 17 4/8/15/22
S30 21 5.1/20/22 5.2/9/11 3/14/20/24
Total no. of skewed TRBV families (no. of subjects) 95 (30)a 68 (30)b 108 (30)a 105 (30)b

Abbreviations: AHI, acute hepatitis B virus infection; GMSP, gene melting spectral pattern; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; TRBV, T-cell receptor beta-chain variable.


The ratio of oligoclonal-expanded TRBV families was not significantly different between the two groups (P>0.05 by χ2 test).


The monoclonal ratio was lower in the CD4+ cells than that in the CD8+ cells (P<0.01 by χ2 test).

None, no skewed TRBV family was detected.