TREML4 Transcript Expression and eQTL Analyses
(A) Volcano plot showing dysregulated genes from RNA-seq ANOVA. Gray dots show 160 genes chosen for DMMGE validation; red dots show 18 genes with p < 0.05 in validation cohort; green dot at bottom right shows TREML4.
(B) Regression of TREML4 expression (y axis) to CAC (x axis). Open circles, control subjects; filled circles, case subjects; bold red line, linear regression slope; curved red lines, 95% confidence intervals for linear regression; green line, spline fit to linear regression.
(C–E) eQTL analyses.
(C) TREML4 expression data for rs2803496 as measured by digital multiplexed measurement of gene expression (DMMGE).
(D) qPCR TREML4 expression data for rs2803496.
(E) DMMGE TREML4 expression data for rs2803495.
The y axis in (C) and (E) shows the log10 normalized DMMGE TREML4 counts. The y axis in (B) shows qPCR quantification in groups of five subjects from each genotype relative to a randomly chosen individual with a CT genotype. The tip of each green diamond represents the 95% confidence interval and the center line in each diamond represents the group mean.