Figure 3.
MMS-induced S-phase delay involves distinct processes in WT and XRCC1-deficient cells. (A and B) Cell cycle progression in CHO-9 (WT) and EM-C11 (XRCC1-deficient) cells analyzed by FACS. Cells were treated with 10 µM BrdU and 1.5 mM MMS for 1 h and fixed at the indicated times after removing BrdU/MMS. 5 mM caffeine was added 1 h before MMS addition and was present until fixation. Representative FACS blots are shown in A. Red rectangles mark BrdU-positive cells. The frequency of BrdU-positive cells in S phase was calculated (B, ±SEM from three experiments). (C) S-phase progression in A549 cells treated with siRNA for 72 h. Cells were treated with 10 µM BrdU and 1 mM MMS for 1 h and fixed at the indicated times after removing BrdU/MMS (±SEM from three experiments). (D) S-phase progression in WT and MPG−/− MEFs. Cells were treated and analyzed as in C (±SEM from three experiments).