Figure 5.
Phenotypes of cells present in the thymic PVS. Thymus from a 42-year-old female with MG is shown in order to allow examination of relatively large areas of PVS within a single field. TES active in thymopoiesis is highlighted using a C to indicate active cortex, with an arrow pointing to the medulla. The cytokeratin stain (b) also demonstrates inactive TES (arrowheads in a and b) surrounded by PVS (P). The following immunoperoxidase stains demonstrate phenotypes of cells present in both TES and PVS: (c) CD3, T cells; (d) CD20, B cells; (e) CD1a, immature thymocytes; (f) mib-1, proliferating cells (note the positive reaction of both CD1a and mib-1 mAb’s [brown] with thymocytes in cortex [C] but not in medulla [arrow]); (g) CD8, immature thymocytes and mature CTLs; (h) CD45RO, immature thymocytes and mature memory T cells. (i) MECA-79 immunostaining highlights HEV in the thymic PVS (P). Inset depicts a MECA-79 + HEV at higher magnification.