Sample of ENDscript representations obtained from the PDB entry 2CAH.
(A) Flat figure showing the sequence of 2CAH with secondary
structure elements presented on top (helices with squiggles,
β-strands with arrows and turns with TT letters). Solvent
accessibility is rendered by a first bar below the sequence (blue is
accessible, cyan is intermediate, white is buried) and hydropathy by a
second bar below (pink is hydrophobic, white is neutral, cyan is
hydrophilic). Bottom letters and symbols depict crystallographic,
protein:protein and protein:ligand contacts (see ‘Case
study’). (B) Excerpt from the second ENDscript flat
figure, showing the MSA of the 20 most homologous proteins to 2CAH (obtained
with a BLAST+ search against the PDBAA database). Known secondary structure
elements are displayed for all aligned sequences. Alternate residues are
highlighted by gray stars. Identical and similar residues are boxed in red
and yellow, respectively. (C) The ‘Sausage’
PyMOL representation showing a tube depiction of 2CAH, whose radius is
proportional to the mean rms deviation per residue between Cα pairs.
The tube is colored according to the level of sequence conservation, from
white (low score) to red (identity). The heme cofactor and bound NADPH are
presented in cyan ball-and-stick. Their contacting residues are presented in
light green ball-and-stick. (D) Screen capture of a PyMOL
session showing the biological tetrameric assembly of 2CAH. One monomer is
presented by its solvent accessible surface with the same color ramping and
orientation as in panel (C). The Cα traces of the three other
monomers are presented. On the right, the PyMOL control panel with preset
buttons allows to show and hide structural features compiled by