Table 1.
Characteristics of 12 studies that examine the association between beta-blocker exposure and congenital malformations* (CC=case-control, RC=retrospective cohort, PC= prospective cohort).
Author, Year | Study design | Country/Data source | Specific beta-blocker | Period of pregnancy of drug use | Indication of drug use | Class of anomalies | Patients with DM excluded/adj usted† | Potential recall bias |
Banhidy 201111 |
CC | Hungary: Hungarian Congenital Abnormality Registry (HCAR), maternal information: prospective medical records, retrospective self-report |
Metoprolol, oxprenolol, pindolol, propranolol |
Included 1st trimester |
Chronic HTN/other indications |
All within 3 months of live birth excluding genetic or chromosomal aberrations |
Not clear | Yes |
Caton 200912 |
CC | USA: Population-based birth defects surveillance systems; maternal information: interview |
Any | 1 month preconception through the third month of pregnancy |
HTN | CV excluding patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), patent foramen ovale, or recognized single gene or chromosome abnormalities |
Yes | Yes |
Caton 200813 |
CC | USA: Population- based birth defects surveillance systems; maternal information: interview |
Any | 1 month preconception through month 4 post- conception |
HTN | Severe hypospadias excluding chromosome/gene abnormality or intersex condition |
Yes | Yes |
Cedergren 2002 14 |
CC | Sweden: Swedish Register Study, Child Cardiology Register, Medical Birth Register, medical records |
Any | 10 - 12 weeks | Not specified |
Cardiac defects referred within one year of birth, excluding PDA and single umbilical artery |
No | No |
Medveczky 2004a 9 |
CC | Hungary: HCAR; exposure data: retrospective mailed questionnaire, prenatal log/nurse visits |
Oxprenolol | Second month | Not specified |
Non-syndromic NT defects within 3 months of birth or pregnancy termination |
Yes | Yes |
Medveczky 2004b 9 |
CC | Hungary: HCAR; exposure data: retrospective mailed questionnaire, prenatal log/nurse visits |
Pindolol | Second month | Not specified |
Non-syndromic NT defects within 3 months of birth or pregnancy termination |
Yes | Yes |
Nakhai- Pour 201015-17 |
CC | Canada: Quebec Pregnancy Registry |
Selective and non- selective |
First trimester | HTN | Major congenital malformations within first year of life |
Yes | No |
Puho 2006a8 |
CC | Hungary: HCAR, maternal information: prospective medical records and retrospective self-report |
Metoprolol | Third to fourth months§ |
HTN | Posterior cleft palate within 3 months of birth or pregnancy termination |
Yes | Yes |
Puho 2006b8 |
CC | Hungary: HCAR, maternal information: prospective medical records and retrospective self-report |
Oxprenolol | Third to fourth months§ |
HTN | Posterior cleft palate within 3 months of birth or pregnancy termination |
Yes | Yes |
Puho 2006c8 |
CC | Hungary: HCAR, maternal information: prospective medical records and retrospective self-report |
Oxprenolol | Second to third months |
HTN | Cleft lip and palate 3 months of birth or pregnancy termination |
Yes | Yes |
Quiesser- Luft 1996 18 |
CC | Germany: Mainz birth defect monitoring system, maternal & infant medical records |
Any | First three months |
Not specified |
At least one major malformation within first week of life, excluding spontaneous abortions |
No | No |
Davis 201120 |
RC | USA: HMO Research Network records |
Any | First trimester | HTN | All congenital anomalies within first year of life |
No | No |
Eric 2009 22 |
PC | Serbia: Maternal questionnaire, neonatal or fetal physical or pathologic examination |
Propranolol and metoprolol |
First trimester | CV disorders |
Minor or major anomalies at birth |
No | Yes |
Kallen 200321‡ |
RC | Sweden: Swedish Medical Registry |
Any | first trimester | Not specified |
CV (except PDA and single umbilical artery) |
No | No |
Lennestal 200923 |
RC | Sweden: Swedish Medical Birth Register, Congenital Malformation Register, Hospital Discharge Register |
Any | Early pregnancy |
HTN | CV | Yes | No |
Sipek et al.19 is excluded from the table.
Whether diabetes was excluded/adjusted in any analyses in the paper. For specific information on beta-blocker use, see Supplemental Table S1.
This study not included in the meta-analysis; more recent study by Lennestal et al. with extended follow-up using the same data set is included.
3rd to 4th months of pregnancy included due to timing of fetal palate formation.