Fig. 2.
Models for EGFR- and HPPY-regulation of ethanol sensitivity. The EGFR pathway promotes resistance to ethanol-induced sedation and HPPY functions to counteract this effect by inhibiting the EGFR pathway. Ethanol may act on the EGFR directlyorondownstream signaling molecules, including ERK. (A) Amodelinwhich HPPY is directly inhibitedby EGFR activation, (B) amodelinwhich HPPY function as a constitutive inhibitor of the pathway. Red intersecting lines represent inhibitory interactions, green arrows represent activating interactions. EGFR = Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, ERK = Extracellular signal-Regulated Protein Kinase, HPPY = Happyhour protein (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.).