Table 1. Description of the ornamental plant species used in this study.
Plant | Common English Name | Assessed Impact | |
Status of Origin: Non-Native | |||
1 | Buddleja davidii | Butterfly bush | Cause damage |
2 | Lonicera japonica | Japanese honeysuckle | Cause damage |
3 | Prunus laurocerasus | Cherry laurel | Cause damage |
4 | Robinia pseudoacacia | Black locust | Cause damage |
5 | Cornus sericea | Red-osier dogwood | Potential to cause damage |
6 | Lupinus polyphyllus | Russell lupin | Potential to cause damage |
7 | Viburnum rhytidophyllum | Leatherleaf viburnum | Potential to cause damage |
8 | Mahonia aquifolium | Oregon grape | Potential to cause damage |
9 | Paulownia tomentosa | Princess tree | Potential to cause damage |
10 | Sedum spurium | Creeping sedum | Potential to cause damage |
11 | Trachycarpus fortunei | Chinese windmill palm | Potential to cause damage |
12 | Lonicera henryi | Henry's honeysuckle | Potential to cause damage |
13 | Fallopia baldschuanica * | Russian vine | None |
14 | Syringa sp. | Lilac | None |
15 | Wisteria sp. | Wisteria | None |
Status of Origin: Native | |||
16 | Ilex aquifolium | English holly | None |
17 | Prunus spinosa | Blackthorn | None |
18 | Euonymus europaeus | European spindle tree | None |
Species are ordered according to their assessed impact. In the questionnaire, these plant species appeared in a random order.
Note: Status of origin for all species is taken from Flora indicativa [42].
Assessed impact is based on whether the species is listed on the Black-List, or on the Watch-List [43].
*At the time of our study, the use of F. baldschuanica in horticulture was allowed by Swiss authorities, although the species belongs to the Fallopia-complex, that was included in the list of prohibited plant species [46], but not in the Black- or the Watch-List.