Figure 3.
Ketamine attenuates CSDS-induced social avoidance. (A) A high (20 mg/kg) but not low (2.5 mg/kg) dose of ketamine given 1 hr after the final defeat bout (Day 10) attenuates social avoidance in defeated mice. Inset: Individual SI scores in defeated mice from each dose group. (B–C) There were no effects of group (control, defeat) or treatment (vehicle, 20 mg/kg ketamine) on distance traveled (B) or velocity (C) during the SI test. (D) Mice in the vehicle and ketamine (20 mg/kg) groups exhibit comparable degrees of social avoidance compared to controls when retested 1 week later (Day 18). (E) Ketamine (20 mg/kg) administered 24 hrs before the first day of defeat does not attenuate social avoidance measured at the end of the CSDS procedure. *p<0.05 compared to controls within each dose, n=6–12 mice/group.