Figure 9.
Clstn-1 knockdown reduces early endosomal speeds. A, B, Single frames from time-lapse movies of GFP-labeled Rab5c in central RB axons of control (A) and Clstn-1 KD (B) embryos at 24 hpf. c.b., Cell body. A′, B′, Kymographs from yellow regions of A and B of vesicle movement in control (A′) and Clstn-1 knockdown (B′) central RB axons, showing reduced movement in Clstn-1 knockdown embryos. C, Speeds of vesicles moving in the anterograde directions were significantly reduced. *p = 0.05 (unpaired, two-tailed t test). D, Percentage of vesicles moving at specific speeds shows fewer early endosomes traveling at fast speeds in central axons of Clstn-1 knockdown embryos. *p = 0.03 (χ2 test). E, F, Speed distributions of endosomes in central (E) and peripheral (F) axons of control (yellow) and Clstn-1 knockdown (black) embryos.