Loss of cortical Htt alters dendritic outgrowth and accelerates spine maturation in both the cortex and striatum at P21. A, Coronal brain diagram indicating the regions of interest and the types of neurons that were analyzed. B–D, Representative traces, quantification of basal dendritic outgrowth, and Sholl analysis of cortical pyramidal neurons in (B) layer 2/3, (C) layer 5, and (D) MSNs of the dorsal striatum (12 cells/animal, 3 animals/genotype). Error bars indicate mean ± SEM (ANCOVA). E, Classification method and categorization criteria for Golgi-Cox-stained dendritic spine types. Ten micrometer stretches of dendrites were analyzed for spine number and type. F–H, Representative dendrite stretches and quantification of dendritic spine density of cortical pyramidal neurons in (F) layer 2/3, (G) layer 5, and (H) MSNs of the dorsal striatum (15 dendrites/animal for F, G; 12 dendrites/animal for H; 3 animals/genotype) Error bars indicate mean ± SEM (ANCOVA). Scale bar, 10 μm.