Figure 2.
Release of NO is upregulated to the epithelial source Caco-2 cocultured with PPL from iNOS knockout mice. Two sets of cocultures were established (Caco-2 cocultured with PPL of wild-type mice; and Caco-2 cocultured with PPL of iNOS knockout mice). The data are indicated by the following bars (white bar: PPL only from wild-type control mice; light gray bar: PPL only from iNOS knockout mice; black bar: coculture of Caco-2 and PPL from wild-type control mice; dark gray bar: coculture of Caco-2 and PPL from iNOS knockout mice). The level of NO production was measured by Griess colorimetric assay and the bar values were derived based on a standard curve. The values present the means ± SE for 6-8 different samples; bP < 0.001 vs its own PPL; dP < 0.001 vs wild-type coculture.