Figure 7.
Recovery of metastatic disease by perioperative NK cells stimulation with UV-inactivated MG1. (a) Quantification of B16lacZ lung tumor metastases at 3 days in indicated treatment groups. (b) The ability of sorted NK cells to kill tumor targets from indicated treatment groups (^P < 0.05; ^^P < 0.005; ^^^P < 0.0001; the data are displayed as the mean percent (±SD) of chromium release from triplicate wells for the indicated E:T ratios). Assessment of 4T1 lung tumor metastases at 28 days from indicated treatment groups by (c) representative lung photographs and H&E staining of lung tissues, (d) lung weight, and (e) number of lung nodules. (f) Assessment of overall survival for B6 mice treated at day −1 with indicated virus, B16lacZ cells, and surgical stress at day 0. Data are representative of three similar experiments with n = 5–10/group (*P <0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant).