Figure 5. Microbiota modification after AIEC strain LF82 infection in T5KO susceptible mice seems independent of intestinal inflammation.
A. AIEC colonization were determined in WT and T5KO mice based on 454 pyrosequencing 16S rRNA analysis to determine their relative abundance in stool. Data are represented as means ± S.E.M. of N=3 mice per group. B. Fecal Lcn-2 levels were measured in feces by ELISA. Bars are means ± S.E.M. of N=3 mice per group. C–D. Fecal flagellin (C) and LPS (D) load were determined using HEK reporting cells. Bars are means ± S.E.M. of N=3 mice per group. E. Fecal bacterial load, determined by q-PCR. Bar represent the means, N=2/3 mice per group. F. Mouse fecal bacterial communities from T5KO uninfected (PBS) or infected with 107 AIEC strain LF82 or LF82-ΔfliC isogenic mutant were clustered using principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of the UniFrac unweighted distance matrix. PC1 and PC2 are plotted for each time point (from day 1 to day 119). The time is expressed on the X axis, and the percentage of the variation explained by the plotted principal coordinates is indicated in the Y axis labels. G. Mouse fecal bacterial communities from T5KO uninfected (PBS) or infected with 107 AIEC strain LF82 or LF82-ΔfliC isogenic mutant were clustered using principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of the UniFrac unweighted distance matrix. PC1, PC2, and PC3 are plotted and the percentage of the variation explained by the plotted principal coordinates is indicated in the Y axis labels.