Processivity of supercoil
unwinding by wild-type vTopo and the
K271E mutant using highly supercoiled MCsp2. For the sake
of clarity, only selected time points are shown in the gel figures.
(A) Kinetic model for the disappearance of substrate into product
and two intermediate pools (I1 and I2), followed by reversible cleavage
and unwinding of intermediate pools to product. (B) Time course for
unwinding using 5 nM MCsp2 and 5 nM wild-type vTopo. Substrate
(S), product (P), and intermediate bands (i–2 to
i–7) were resolved by gel electrophoresis, visualized
by SYBR Green staining, imaged, and quantified using the Gaussian
curve fitting routine in QuantityOne. A representative plot of the
Gaussian fits for the time point at 120 s is shown at the right. The
time courses for the appearance and disappearance of substrate (green),
products (black), and intermediate pools (blue and red) were fit by
numerical integration and least-squares minimization to a stepwise
supercoil unwinding model shown in panel A and the Supporting Information. (C) Time course for unwinding using
5 nM MCsp2 and 5 nM K271E mutant. All steps in data acquisition
and analysis are identical to those described in panel A.