Table I. Overview selected studies maternal intensive care.
Ref. | Study | Country | Population | Study type | EL1 |
1 | Neto MT(2006) | Portugal | Perinatal care in Portugal | National perinatal database analysis | 3 |
2 | Keizer JL et al. (2006) | The Netherlands | 142 women admitted at ICU Leiden University Medical Centre (1991-2001) | Retrospective tertiary centre based analysis of medical records of all obstetric admissions ICU | 3 |
3 | Zeeman G (2006) | The Netherlands | / | (syst.) literature review | 3 |
4 | Fowler SJ (2005) | New Zealand (Wellington) | 240 hospitals | International retrospective health care survey of operative obstetric services | 3 |
5 | Biswas AB et al. (2005) | India (West Bengal) | 408 health facilities | Cross sectional health facility survey of minimum levels of Emergency ObstC | 3 |
6 | Lee B (2004) | UK | / | Meeting report of the Forum on Maternity and the Newborn, Royal Society of Medicine (17 June 2004) | 4 |
7 | Okafor U and Aniebue U (2004) | Nigeria | 18 patients admitted to an obstetric ICU | Retrospective tertiary centre based analysis of obstetrical ICU admissions (health care survey) | 3 |
8 | Zeeman G et al. (2003) | USA | 483 critically ill peripartum women | Prospective evaluation and analysis of OICU and M/S ICU obstetrical admissions (health care survey) | 3 |
9 | Schatz et al. (2003) | USA | 1739 pregnant asthmatic patients, < 26 weeks gestation | Prospective observational cohort study | 3 |
10 | Heinonen S et al. (2002) | Finland | 22 consecutive obstetric patients admitted to a mixed medical/surgical ICU | Retrospective tertiary based review of all obstetric patients treated on the ICU at Kuopio University Hospital | 3 |
11 | Afessa B et al. (2001) | USA | 74 obstetric patients admitted to the ICU | Tertiary centre based retrospective analysis of obstetric ICU admissions (health care survey) | 3 |
12 | Ryan M et al. (2000) | Ireland | 123 patients admitted on the HDU of an regional obstetric centre (free standing maternity unit) | Regional obstetric hospital based retrospective analysis of all hospital case notes and HDU/ICU registers from HDU admissions and medical charts from the referral ICU (health care survey) | 3 |
13 | Baskett T and Sternadel, J (1998) | Canada | 55 patients that required transfer for critical care and 2 maternal deaths | Retrospective tertiary centred analysis of all maternal deaths and referrals to critical care. | 3 |
14 | Cordingley J and Rubin A (1997) | UK | 232 consultant obstetric units | Retrospective nationwide health care survey of all UK units providing obstetric recovery facilities, high dependency and intensive care | 3 |
1 EL: Evidence Level