Figure 1.
Associations between ACS cancer prevention guidelines score and (A) any incident cancer, (B) all-cause mortality, and (C) cancer-specific mortality. HRs were calculated with the lowest scores (0–3) as the reference group (HR = 1.0), stratified by race/ethnicity, and adjusted for the following: age (continuous), education (≤high school, some college, ≥college), smoking pack-years (never smoking, <5, 5–19, 20+), NSAID use at baseline (yes, no), aspirin use at baseline (yes, no), unopposed estrogen use (never, former, current), estrogen + progestin use (never, former, current), multivitamin use at baseline (yes, no), total energy intake (continuous), parous (yes, no, unknown), mammogram (ever, never), colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy (ever, never), family history (mother/father, full-blooded sister/brother, daughter/son, grandmother) of cancer (yes, no, unknown), and having a current healthcare provider (yes, no). Vertical bars represent 95% CIs. Horizontal dashed lines represent the null HR of 1.0. Likelihood ratio test for interaction between race/ethnicity and ACS guidelines score (continuous) on each outcome: any incident cancer, P = 0.050; allcause mortality, P = 0.116; and cancer-specific mortality, P = 0.555.