Figure 5. Comparison the effects of thalidomide or pomalidomide on bFGF-IRES activity and CRBN ubiquitination.
(A) Schematic representation of HMW-IRES plasmids. (B) RPMI8226-HMW-IRES were treated with thalidomide. (C) RPMI8226-HMW-IRES were treated with pomalidomide. (D) FO-HMW-IRES cells treated with thalidomide and (E) FO-HMW-IRES cells treated with pomalidomide, were indicated as concentrations of drugs for 4 hours. Treated cells were lysed and luciferase activity was measured with Dual Luciferase Assay kits. IRES activity was determined by the ratio of Renilla luciferase (LucR) activity to firefly luciferase (LucF) activity. Columns, index of the ratio normalized with DMSO control (0.04%); bars, SD. *, P< 0.05, **, P< 0.01, Student's t test. (F) RPMI8226 cells were treated with the indicated concentrations of compounds for 4 hours. The endogenous CRBN was immunoblotted (IB) with anti-HRP antibody.