Figure 6. Combination efficacy of PI3K and MEK inhibition in GDC-0941 resistant xenografts.
(A) SW48 H1047R resistant (clone 10A) tumor-bearing mice were treated orally and daily with vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose, 0.2% tween-80 + 7.5% captisol), 75 mg/kg GDC-0941, 50 mg/kg G-573, or GDC-0941 and G-573 in combination. Mean tumor volumes (mm3) and percent body weight change of SW48 H1047R resistant (clone 10A) tumor-bearing mice measured twice weekly for 21 days. (B) PI3K and MAPK pathway markers were assessed after 21 days of treatment. Five tumors are represented in each group. (C) SW48 H1047R resistant (clone 10A) tumor-bearing mice were treated orally and daily with vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose, 0.2% tween-80 + 7.5% captisol), 75 mg/kg GDC-0941, 25 mg/kg erlotinib, or GDC-0941 and erlotinib in combination. Mean tumor volumes (mm3) and percent body weight change of SW48 H1047R resistant (clone 10A) tumor-bearing mice measured twice weekly for 21 days. (D) PI3K and MAPK pathway markers were assessed after 21 days of treatment. Five tumors are represented in each group.