Figure 5.
Skeletal muscle cytokine expression (normalized to total muscle protein) from muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis muscle before and after the 60-minutes of single-leg exercise. Pre-exercise biopsy was obtained on non-exercising leg prior to exercise, while post-exercise biopsy was obtained 4-hours post-exercise on the exercising leg. We provide indication where detection of cytokines fell below the minimal detectable limit (<mdl) of the assay, i.e. all samples for IL-1b (therefore no data shown) and for some samples in IL-6. Post-hoc testing was only performed on TNFα, where a significant ANOVA main effect (p < 0.005) was observed. No significant main effect was observed for IL-6, therefore post-hoc testing between groups was not performed. * indicates p < 0.05 compared to all other groups.