Figure 3. Reorganisation of chromosome I upon parS1 displacement.
(A) Circular map indicating the position of the different loci analysed in different genetic background (WT, parS1 300 kb and parS1 650 kb from left to right, respectively) and the colour code of the analysed loci. (B) Reconstitution of the segregation choreographies, as in Figure 1C. 2 µm of cell elongation were shown centred on the cell interval where at least 50% of the cells had duplicated oriI. For the WT choreography, ADV114 and ADV78 cell size distributions were aligned with the ADV24 cell sizes using the first cell size interval where 50% or more of cells contained duplicated oriI. For the parS1 300 kb choreography, CP604 and CP582 cell size distributions were aligned with the CP591 cell sizes using the first cell size interval where ≥50% of cells contained 2 foci of oriI and L3I, respectively. For the parS1 650 kb choreography, the cell sizes correspond to strain CP605 (oriI and ter I). CP583 and CP586 cell size distributions could not be realigned. The corresponding data was plotted with dashed lines (L2I and R2I). (C) Relative distances between any of the sister loci, as in Figure 1E. (D) Relative distance between any loci to terI locus, as in Figure 1D. (E) Relative distance between oriI sister loci, in with displaced parS1 sites, as in Figure 1E.