Figure 5. Disorganisation of chromosome I upon the ectopic oriC1651 kb addition.
(A) Circular maps indicating the position of the different loci analysed in different genetic background from left to right, respectively : ΔparS1, ΔparS1 + oriC1 651 kb, parS1 65 kb + oriC1 651 kb. (B) Reconstitution of the segregation choreographies of the loci tagged in the different genetic background, as in Figure 1C. For the ΔparS1 choreography, the CP639 cell size distribution was aligned with the CP655 cell sizes using the cell size interval where ≥50% of cells contained two R2I foci; For the ΔparS1 + oriC1 651 kb choreography, the cell sizes of CP626 and CP656 were aligned to the cell sizes of CP659 using the cell size interval where ≥50% of cells contained two oriI foci; For parS1 65 kb + oriC1 651 kb choreography, the cell sizes of ADV115 were realigned to the cell sizes of CP633 using the cell size interval where ≥50% of cells contained two oriI foci. (C) Relative distance between oriI and terI loci, as in Figure 1D. (D) Relative distance between the oriI sister loci, as in Figure 1E.