Figure 5. Ablation of PRC1 impairs the binding of PhoRC to PREs.
A. The model of a cross-talk between PhoRC and PRC1. We propose that relatively weak interactions of PHO with their cognate recognition sequences combine with SFMBT- and SCM-mediated interactions with PRC1 (white shapes represent core components) to result in efficient binding of PhoRC (black circles) to PREs. The recruitment of PRC1 is likely dependent on sequence specific DNA binding proteins, whose identity is currently unknown (dashed white ellipses). Chromatin from cultured cells carrying homozygous Su(z)2-1.b8 deletion (white bars) or control wild type cells (black bars) was immunoprecipitated with antibodies against PSC (B), PHO (C), PHOL (D) and SFMBT (E). Here and in (F) the mean result of two independent experiments and the scatter (error bars) are shown. Complete loss of PSC from PREs is paralleled by the reduction of PHO and SFMBT binding from most PREs. The binding of PHOL is not significantly affected. F. The reduction of PHO and SFMBT binding in Su(z)2-1.b8 cells is not paralleled by an enhanced transcription through PREs, which remains low and comparable to that detected at the randomly chosen control intergenic region (IR).