Anorexia and reverse anorexia
Fudala [25]; Pope [44]
Complacent trainer(s)
Maycock [34,35]
Long-term exposure to muscle magazines
Petrocelli [42]
Low self-efficacy
Fudala [25]; Joubert [7]
Male sex work
Scull [47]
Negative body image
Fudala [25]; Khorrami [30]; Kusserow [32]; Maycock [34,35]; Petrocelli [42]; Pope [44]; Walker [10]; Joubert [7]
Other drug(s) use
Gruber [27]; Hegazy [28]; Joubert [7]; Kusserow [32]; Nøkleby [38]; Rashid [14]
Other sports (athletics, cycling, hockey, football etc.)
Bardick [20]; Boyadjiev [22]; Fudala [25]; Joubert [7]; Khorrami [30]; Kusserow [32]; Nøkleby [38]; Pappa [41]; Skårberg [49]; Tallon [11]; Vassalo [52]
Poor self-esteem
Fudala [25]; Walker [10]; Joubert [7]
Power sports (bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting)
Annitto [19]; Bardick [20]; Bilard [21]; Boyadjiev [22]; Fudala [25]; Grogan [26]; Joubert [7]; Katz [29]; Khorrami [30]; Kimergård [8]; Korkia [12]; Kusserow [32]; Malone [33]; Maycock [34,35]; Olrich [40]; Petrocelli [42]; Pope [43]; Pope [44,45]; Skårberg [49]; Tallon [11]; Todd [51]; Wilson-Fearon [53]
Psychological disorder
Fudala [25]; Gruber [27]; Hegazy [28]; Pope [44,45]; Rashid [14]
Troubled background (bullying, divorce, rape etc.) |
Fudala [25]; Gruber [27]; Hegazy [28]; Rashid [14]; Skårberg [48-50]; Joubert [7] |