Table 1.
Description of studies on child well-being in same-sex parent families and data used
Author(s) | Data set(s) used | Same-sex sample size | Age of children | Family type |
Allen et al. (2013) | U.S. Public-use microdata sample of the decennial censusa | 8,632d | 6–14 | ‡ |
Averett et al. (2009) | Florida adoption projectb | 155e | 1.5–18 | ‡ |
Bos and Gartrell (2010) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Bos and Gartrell (2011) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Bos et al. (2008) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 76e | 10 | † |
Bos et al. (2008) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 152e | 10–11 | † |
Parenting in planned lesbian familiesb | ||||
Bos et al. (2012) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Erich et al. (2005) | Network of gay and lesbian adoptive parentsb | 68e | 0–10+- | ‡ |
Farr et al. (2010) | Mid-Atlantic adoptive families sampleb | 56d | 1–6 | ‡ |
Farr and Patterson (2009) | Mid-Atlantic adoptive families sampleb | 56d | 1–6 | ‡ |
Farr and Patterson (2013) | Adoptive families sampleb | 54d | 1–6 | ‡ |
Fedewa and Clark (2009) | Early childhood longitudinal study kindergarten (ECLS-K)a | 35d | 6–8 | ‡ |
Fulcher et al. (2002) | Contemporary families studyb | 55e | ~7 | † |
Fulcher et al. (2006) | Contemporary families studyb | 55e | ~7 | † |
Fulcher et al. (2008) | Families sample in the Mid-Atlantic United Statesb | 33e | 4–6 | † |
Gartrell and Bos (2010) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Achenbach’s normative sample of American youtha | ||||
Gartrell et al. (2011a) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Gartrell et al. (2012) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
2002 U.S. National Survey of Family Growtha | ||||
Gartrell et al. (2011b) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 40e | 16–18 | † |
Gartrell et al. (2012) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Gartrell et al. (2005) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 74e | ~10 | † |
Goldberg (2007a) | Semi-structured children of LGB parents sampleb | 42e | 19–50 | ‡ |
Goldberg (2007b) | Semi-structured children of LGB parents sampleb | 46e | 19–50 | ‡ |
Goldberg et al. (2011) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
2002 U.S. National Survey of Family Growtha | ||||
Goldberg et al. (2012) | Couples experiencing the transition to adoptive parenthoodb | 78d | 2–4 | ‡ |
Goldberg et al. (2013) | Adoptive parents sampleb | 30d | 0–12 | ‡ |
Goldberg and Smith (2013) | Longitudinal study of the transition to adoptive parenthoodb | 75d | 0–12 | ‡ |
Joos and Broad (2007) | Sample from COLAGEb | 26e | 18–49 | ‡ |
Kosciw and Diaz (2008) | National sample of LGBT parentsb | 588d | 5–18 | ‡ |
Sample of secondary school students with LGBT parentb | 154e | 13–20 | ‡ | |
Lavner et al. (2012) | UCLA TIES for adoptionb | 22d | 0–8 | ‡ |
Leung et al. (2005) | Three samples of adoptive parentsb | 47d | 4–18 | ‡ |
Lick et al. (2013) | Adult children of LGB parentsb | 91e | 18–61 | ‡ |
Patterson and Wainright (2012) | National longitudinal study of adolescent healtha | 44e | 12–18 | † |
Potter (2012) | Early childhood longitudinal study kindergarten (ECLS-K)a | 158d | 5–10 | ‡ |
Regnerus (2012a) | New family structures studya | 248e | 18–39 | ‡ |
Regnerus (2012b) | New family structures studya | 236e | 18–39 | ‡ |
Rosenfeld (2010) | U.S. Public-use microdata sample of the decennial censusa | 3,502e | 6–14 | ‡ |
Rosenfeld (2013) | U.S. Public-use microdata sample of the decennial censusa | 3,174e | 6–14 | ‡ |
Ryan (2007) | Multimedia adoptive parentsb | 94d | 5–9 | ‡ |
Sutfin et al. (2008) | Atlantic Coast families studyb | 57e | 4–6 | † |
Tan and Baggerly (2009) | Families with children from China and Raising China childrenb | 31e | 1–11 | † |
van Gelderen et al. (2012a) | National lesbian longitudinal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Adolescents in Washington Statec | ||||
van Gelderen et al. (2012b) | National lesbian longitudi→nal family studyb | 78e | 16–18 | † |
Wainright and Patterson (2006) | National longitudinal study of adolescent healtha | 44e | 12–18 | † |
Wainright and Patterson (2008) | National longitudinal study of adolescent healtha | 44e | 12–18 | † |
Wainright et al. (2004) | National longitudinal study of adolescent healtha | 44e | 12–18 | † |
Welsh (2011) | Qualitative study of children of gay and lesbian parentsb | 14e | 13–18 | ‡ |
Nationally representative sample
Convenience or snowball sample
Representative sample
Number of same-sex couples
Number of children within same-sex parent families
Studies that examine lesbian mother, gay father, and other family types
Studies that examine only lesbian mother families