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. 2014 Jul 10;9(7):e102257. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102257

Table 1. The mean scavenger species richness and scavenger sum feeding time, along with the effect size attributable to pumas and black bears.

Scavenger Richness Sum Feeding Time
Variables mean 95% CI d mean 95% CI d
Puma Kill 3.07 2.60–3.54 −0.27 165.7 124.1–207.3 −0.41
Puma Control 3.52 3.13–3.90 246.3 187.3–305.3
Bear Present 2.33 2.06–2.62 −0.56 88.5 68.7–108.3 −1.08
Bear Absent 3.28 3.05–3.51 372.3 322.3–422.3

For each variable and carcass type the mean, 95% confidence intervals, and effect sizes (Cohen’s d score) are reported. Negative effect sizes indicate limitation, with effect sizes of 0.20 indicating small effects, 0.50 indicating medium effects, and 0.80 indicating large effects.