Table 1.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and negative symptom outcomes.
Citation | N/diagnosis | Treatment/length of treatment | Control | Negative Sx outcome | Raters blind | Results | Follow-up | Effect size |
Barrowclough (2006) | 113/SZ, SA | Group CBT/6 months | TAU | PANSS | Y | No change in NSx | No change 12 months | 6/12 months d = −1.45/−0.22 |
Bechdolf (2004, 2005) | 88/SZ, RD | Group CBT/8 weeks | Group PE 8 weeks | PANSS | Y | ↓ NSx NS group diff | Maintained at 6 months Not maintained at 24 months |
Borras (2009) | 54/SZ, NP | Group CBT – self-esteem/12 weeks (1st sample) | Waitlist 12 weeks then treatment (2nd sample) | PANSS | NR | ↓ NSx CBT only (1st sample only) | Maintained at 3 months (1st sample only) | NR |
Cather (2005) | 30/SZ, SA | Individual CBT/16 weeks | Individual PE 16 weeks | PANSS PSYRATS | Y | No change in NSx | – | CBT d = −0.10 PE d = −0.14 |
Drury (1996) | 62/ANP | Group and individual CT/12 weeks | Recreation and support group | PAS | Y | ↓ NSx NS group diff | Maintained at 9 months | NR |
Garety (2008) | 301/NAP | Individual CBT + TAU/individual FI + TAU | TAU | PANSS | Y | No Change in NSx at 12 months | No change in NSx at 24 months | 12/24 months d = −0.87/−1.32 |
Grant (2012) | 60/SZ, SA | Individual CT/18 months | TAU | SANS | Y | ↓ Avolition-apathy subscale CBT only | – | d = −2.16 |
Gumley (2003) | 144/SZ, RD | Individual CBT/range (2–16 sessions) | TAU | PANSS | N | ↓ NSx CBT only | – | NR |
Hall (2003) | 25/PD | Individual CBT – self-esteem/7 weeks | TAU | PANSS | Y | ↓ NSx CBT only | Maintained at 3 months | NR |
Jackson (2008) | 62/FEP | Individual ACE/14 weeks | Befriending | SANS | Y | No change in NSx | No change at 12 months | d = −0.40 |
Klingberg (2009, 2011) | 198/SZ | Individual CBT/9 months | CR | PANSS | Y | ↓ NSx NS group diff | – | d = −0.47 |
Leclerc (2000) | 99/SZ, SA, PP | Group CBT – coping skills/12 weeks | TAU | PANSS | Y | No change in NSx | No change at 6 months | NR |
Lincoln (2012) | 80/SZ, SA, DD, BPD | Individual CBT/4 months | Waitlist | PANSS | N | No change in Nsx | No change at 12 months | Post/12 months d = 0.14/0.28 |
Rector (2003) | 42/SZ, SA | Individual CBT/6 months | TAU | PANSS | Y | ↓ NSx NS group diff | Maintained at 6 months CBT only | Post/6 months d = 0.45/0.85 |
Sensky (2000), Turkington (2008) | 90/SZ | Individual CBT/9 months | Befriending | SANS | Y | ↓ NSx NS group diff | Maintained at 6 months BT only maintained at 60 months CBT only | NR NR |
Startup (2004) | 90/SZ, SP, SA | Individual CBT/Mean = 12.9 sessions | TAU | SANS | N | No change in Nsx | ↓ NSx at 12 months CBT only | Post/12 months d = 0.33/0.66 |
Tarrier (1993) | 27/SZ | Individual CSE/PS/10 sessions | Waitlist | PAS | N | No change in NSx | No change at 6 months | NR |
Tarrier (2001) | 72/SZ, SA, DD | Individual CBT/20 sessions | SC, TAU | SANS | Y | ↓ NSx | – | NR |
Tarrier (2004), Lewis (2002) | 316/SZ, SA SP, DD, Pnos | Individual CBT/15–20 sessions within 5 weeks | SC, TAU | PANSS | Y | NR | ↓ NSx CBT and SC at 18 months | d = −1.51 |
Turkington (2002, 2006) | 336/SZ | Individual CBT/6 sessions within 2–3 months | TAU | NSRS | Y | NR | ↓ NSx CBT only at 12 months | NR |
Valmaggia (2005) | 62/SZ | Individual CBT/22 weeks | Supportive counseling | PANSS | Y | No change in NSx | No change at 6 months | Post/6 months d = 0.37/0.01 |
Note. Studies in this table are identified by first author surname and year rather than a full citation, as in the references and throughout the text. Raters blind = were the raters blind to subject status; ACE = Active Cognitive Therapy for Early Psychosis; ANP = Acute nonspecific psychosis (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder); BPD = brief psychotic disorder; CR = Cognitive Remediation; CT = Cognitive Therapy; CSE = Coping Strategy Enhancement; DD = Delusional disorder; diff = difference; FEP = First Episode Psychosis; FI = family intervention; NAP = non-affective psychosis; N = no; NP = non-specific psychosis; NR = not reported; NS = non-significant; NSRS = Negative Symptom Rating Scale; NSx = negative symptoms; PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PAS = Psychiatric Assessment Scale; PD = psychotic disorder; PE = Psychoeducation; Pnos = psychosis not otherwise specified; PS = problem solving; PSYRATS = Psychotic Rating Scales; RD = Related disorders; SA = schizoaffective disorder; SANS = Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms; SP = schizophreniform; SZ = schizophrenia; TAU = treatment as usual; Y = yes; ↓ = significant decrease in scores.