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. 2014 Jun 30;15(1):539. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-539

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Annotation results for binding sites of ATF2, ATF3, ETS1 and GATA1. ChIPseek separates annotation tables into separate tabs for each upload file. In each tab, ChIPseek shows annotation results for each chromosome in an annotation table. Here, a partial annotation result for binding sites of ATF3 in chromosome 13 is shown. For this TF, the total number of peaks (23,095 peaks) is shown above the annotation table followed by a link for downloading the full annotation table (highlighted by the red box). Within the table, each column shows the location of peaks, genomics location annotation, distance to the nearest TSS, nearest RefSeq, gene name etc. The user can click on the title of each column to sort that column. In the table, words in light blue are hyperlinks leading to external databases or a genome browser, i.e., NCBI RefSeq database, UniProt database and the UCSC genome browser, for each peak. User may also specify the regions of interest and visit those particular regions using the text boxes above the annotation table (highlighted by the blue box).