(A) Group activity profiles during LD (top) and DD (bottom) cycles from DvPdf-GAL4, Pdf-GAL80/UAS-Tet and DvPdf-GAL4, Pdf-GAL80/UAS-TNT flies averaged over 3 days of LD or DD data. White/black bars, LD cycle; Grey/black bars, DD cycle. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (SEM) and n = 16 for each group. Arrows indicate morning anticipation (black) and evening anticipation (light gray), and dashed arrows indicate attenuated morning anticipation (black) and evening anticipation (light gray). The activity (with the standard error of the mean), DD rhythmicity and period are also shown. (B) Averaged group activity profiles during LD cycles from UAS-Kir/+; TubGAL80ts/+ (left panel), DvPdf-GAL4, Pdf-GAL80/+ (middle panel) and DvPdf-GAL4, Pdf-GAL80/UAS-Kir; TubGAL80ts/+ (right panel) flies at 30°C. The left and middle panels are the two parental control strains and the right panel is the activity-inhibited strain. At the high temperature the control flies show a typical increased morning peak and delayed evening peak. In the right panel, the GAL80ts become inactivated at 30°C allowing KIR expression in the E cells. The dashed arrows indicate attenuated morning and evening peaks. White/black bars indicate activity events in day/night as above. n = 24 for DvPdf-GAL4, Pdf-GAL80/UAS-Kir; TubGAL80ts/+flies and n = 20 for parental groups. Error bars represent SEM.