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. 2012 Sep;25(9):1248–1254. doi: 10.5713/ajas.2012.12081

Table 3.

Voluntary feed intake (VFI) and nutrient digestibility in cows fed the experimental silages

No additive FJLB Molasses Cassava SEM p-value
Total VFI
 % BW 2.14b 2.19b 2.41a 2.12b 0.02 0.0310
 g/kg BW0.75 94.8c 99.2b 108a 95.1c 0.01 <0.0001
Silage intake
 % BW 0.79b 0.84b 1.06a 0.77b 0.02 0.0269
 g/kg BW0.75 35.1b 38.57b 47.62a 34.73b 1.24 0.0030
Digestibility (%)
 DM 75.64b 75.99ab 81.54a 76.18ab 1.43 0.0943
 OM 77.43b 77.82b 83.22a 78.06ab 1.36 0.0878
 CP 76.95b 75.27b 81.09a 77.5ab 0.98 0.0454
 NDF 66.6b 67.26b 76.75a 68.57b 1.76 0.0314
 ADF 66.76 67.63 76.33 65.22 2.91 0.1382

FJLB = Fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria; BW = Body weight; DM = Dry matter, OM = Organic matter, CP = Crude protein; NDF = Neutral detergent fiber; ADF = Acid detergent fiber; SEM = Standard error of means.

Values in the same row followed by different letters are significantly different (p<0.05).