Fig. 1.
Comparison of the gp120 sequences between RAL-selected and control-passaged viruses. The gp120 sequences of baseline, RAL-selected and the passage-control viruses were aligned for KP-1 (a), KP-2 (b), KP-3 (c), KP-4 (d) and strain 89.6 (e). Each amino acid in (a)–(e) is numbered relative to the HIV-1 HXB2 reference sequence. The V3 sequences from the JR-FL-V3Lib baseline library, RAL-selected and passage-control viruses were aligned (f). Filled cells denote the most dominant amino acids observed in RAL-selected variants at the latest passage, open cells denote the most dominant amino acids observed in the passage-control variants at the latest passage and shaded cells show amino acids deleted by the end of both passages, whilst ‘–’ indicates a deletion mutation. The number of passages is indicated, e.g. 17p for passage 17.