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. 2014 Jun 25;144(8):1322S–1342S. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.181974


IDD Policy Development and Milestones1

• 1990: the United Nations World Summit for Children and the World Health Assembly codified efforts to eliminate IDD
• 1991: the Conference on Ending Hidden Hunger adopted the ambitious goal of virtually eliminating IDD as a public health problem by the turn of the century (6669)
• 1993: the WHO reaffirmed the utility of salt iodization and proclaimed this as the key strategy to achieving this goal (9, 69)
• 2007: the International Child Development Steering Group identified iodine deficiency as 1 of the 4 key global risk factors for impaired child development where the need for intervention remains urgent (70)

IDD, iodine deficiency disorder.